The Busy Writer's Guide to the Business of Writing


The Busy Writer's Guide to the Business of Writing


All the AMAs and the private DMs and emails really, really got me thinking. Mainly, about the big questions that kept popping up again and again…

“How do I write a book?” and “how do I get it out in the world?” And I realized I have so. much. to say. about that. And, well, everything else.

How do you turn your inkling into a real idea? How do you then make an outline, and then break down writing into manageable chunks so that you can actually write it while working/going to school/taking care of kids? Once you actually finish the arduous task of actually finishing the thing… how do you get it published? How does querying work, and how do you get an agent’s attention? What does the submission process look like? And of course, even more questions pop up from those answers:

How do you get past writer’s block? Do you need to go to grad school to be a professional writer? How do you get rejected so many times and not give up? How does one naviagate the jump from books to film, and vice versa?

As a gal who has queried several times (and finally was able to nab seven offers of representation), navigated three book deals at three different publishers, landed tv & book representation at UTA and 3 Arts, and worked as a Executive Story Editor and writer for Marvel’s Loki… I have some answers for you that I wish I had when I was just starting out, and I’m sharing them in my brand new e-book: “A Busy Writer’s Guide to the Business of Writing”, the first of quite a few business and craft books I have up my sleeve.

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